Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's in a systemic way of reading books?

I wonder if this is normal:

Actually, I already know it's not. But I wonder if other people do this. So...I can't usually finish reading the last 10-15 pages of books. It's like I get anxious that the author will screw something up. The more I like a book, the less likely I am to read the ending...

It's like I have such a great image of the book, these nice thoughts are buzzing about so nicely in my mind, and here it comes--DEADPAN ENDING. It makes me slightly regret reading it. :( And why would anyone want that?

I'd rather stop before I get to a useless last 15 or less pages that'll ruin the beautiful ending I had created in my own mind. It's my right, dammit, mine!

I need to find a good psychologist to also interpret what this kind of disgusting habit means.

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